Tea, Lemon & Honey

Our journey with tea started well before we fully knew the benefits of a delicious cuppa. I can always tell when I am about to get sick with a cold because of the scratchy feeling that transforms my week from seemingly normal to wanting to be curled up in bed with a blankey and watching Netflx. “Mommy, my throat feels scratchy”, I would say to my mother, a self-proclaimed “tea drinker”. My mom would respond, “I’ll make you some tea, lemon and honey”.

My mother would boil water in her tea kettle or much later through the years, toss a mug with warm water in the microwave to warm. She would drop a black tea bag into the water and let it steep. After a few minutes, my mother would add about two teaspoons of honey and a squeeze of lemon. I would drink this warm and soothing beverage to coat my throat, hopefully reducing the discomfort. I have to say that it kind of worked!

As a kid, I would sometimes catch nasty germs such as strep throat, common colds and later sinus issues and seasonal allergies. Tea, Lemon and honey was the first remedy that I would reach for because the ingredients were readily available in my home. In fact, my children have also been raised to reach for tea, lemon, and honey when they are starting to feel under the weather.

Because of drinking so much black tea growing up, I kind of grew tired of the taste. While I don’t mind the taste of lemon, I would much rather choose a lime for my warm remedies. Instead of black tea, I use warm water, lime and a teaspoon, or tablespoon of honey or agave nectar to sweeten the deal.

What is your home remedy for a sore or scratchy throat?


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